Sylvia Mauro

Sylvia E.Mauro My love of photography began in 1986 while studying photography during college under the guidance of Leslie Starobin. I fell in love with the medium of black- Sylvia E.Mauro My love of photography began in 1986 while studying photography in college under the guidance of Leslie Starobin. I fell in love with the medium of black-and-white photography, focusing my work on portraiture. I continued to explore my artistic vision and obtained my Masters in Fine Arts Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art and was fortunate to study under Will Larson and Anne Fessler. During my graduate studies, my work focused on childhood and the loss of innocence, the family myth, body image and beauty as well as exploring and decoding the visual narrative and subtext found in advertising targeted to women. My art concentrates on allegory, expectations, and loss. Using the medium of photography, I create images which while beautiful often evoke a feeling of unease. My work captures solitary moments in time, personifying objects, orchestrating still life’s, posing portraits. I am intent to create a beautiful image while incorporating a unique perspective that conjures a disquieting existence within the photograph. I hope to challenge a viewer’s perception while creating a visually pleasing yet unnerving image that asks the viewer for more than just a passing glance.